I’m Embrace The First Step CEO, Michael Roderick.
My years of experience in the world of business and financial planning have allowed me to see the generosity of individuals, corporations and organizations. Additionally, my athleticism and adventurous spirit have presented me with many opportunities to meet very inspiring individuals seeking an opportunity to become involved in events and challenges that combine their love of the outdoors, physical activity and travel, with their altruistic spirit.These experiences and ideas inspired me to “Take the First Step” by creating www.EmbraceTheFirstStep.org. Our mission is simple: “To identify and organize athletic events for the benefit of deserving charities while motivating individuals to get involved and create new fundraising opportunities by helping then not only TAKE the first step…but embrace it!”
Michael has years of experience in the world of business and financial planning. A very passionate leader who believes in giving back. His strong values and beliefs led to the Founding of Embrace the First Step. The mission is to give help, support, and hope to those who need it most. Creating new fundraising opportunities (planning, organizing, and hosting special events). Through his efforts and support of his team Embrace the First Step has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars throughout the years.